Kamis, 22 November 2012
Reading the Mind of Others In Everyday Life
Many thought that reading minds is the
work of a psychologist, psychic or healer. However, believe it or not, in everyday life,
you all are a mind reader. Because, without the
ability to know the thoughts and feelings of others, all of us will not
be able to cope with social situations as easy as anything. By reading minds, we can make estimates about the person's
behavior and enables us to determine the next decision.If we do this
with a bad reading, the impact can be serious: the conflict could have
occurred due to misunderstanding. Examples of real trouble recognizing
the thoughts and feelings of others-mindblindness, can be seen in people
with autism, which is the inability to be a disturbing condition.The
ability to read minds, which is by William Ickes-professor of
psychology at the University of Texas, referred to as empathic accuracy.Where did it come from?Ability (limited) to read our minds
according to professor Ross Buck-Communication Sciences at the
University of Connecticut, has a very long history. He said that, through millions of years of
evolution, humans evolved communication systems become more complicated
when life was also becoming more complex. Reading
the mind then becomes a tool for creating and maintaining social order
and as a help to know when to agree to a commitment with a partner or
arbitrate disputes with neighbors.This capability alone
appeared since humans are born. Newborns
prefer to face someone other than the stimulus, and a few weeks old baby
has been able to imitate facial expressions. In 2 months, babies are able to understand
and respond to the emotional state of the caregiver. Nancy Eisenberg, professor of
psychology at Arizona State University and an expert in emotional
development, said that the baby is 1 year old adults were able to
observe the expression and use it to determine the next behavior. He continued, infants aged 2
years were able to infer other people's desires from his eyes, and at
the age of 3 years, the baby can recognize facial expressions of happy,
sad or angry. At the age of 5 years, the baby already has the
basic ability to read other people's minds, they already have a "theory
of mind." Babies are able to understand that other people have thoughts,
feelings and beliefs different from their own.The children had developed
the ability to read minds by observing adult conversation, where they
differentiate the complexity of rules and social interaction. In addition, play
activities with peers can also train children to read the mind of other
children. However, not all children can develop this ability. Children
who experience neglect and abuse tend to have problems in developing
the ability to read thoughts. For example, children who grew up in a family
filled with violence, it may be much more sensitive to expressions of
anger, although they did not appear angry emotions.Furthermore, the ability to read minds
more advanced usually appears in late adolescence. This happens because of the
ability to keep the perspective of several people at the same time-and
then integrate it with our knowledge and the person concerned is-often
require much brainpower been developed.BagaimanaMembacaPikiran?Reading
body language is a core component of reading minds. Through
body language, you can know a person's basic emotions. Researchers found that when people observe the gestures of
others, they can recognize the emotions of sadness, anger, joy, fear,
etc., even when the observation is only done with minimal lighting.Facial expressions are also a
marker for us to be able to know what other people think. But unfortunately, many of us were not able to
detect these expressions. One
rich source of this marker is a person's eyes; muscles around the eyes.
One's eyes are
the richest source marker than other parts in the face. For example,
when the sad eyes down, open wide when scared, it looks out of focus
when being delusional, staring jealousy, or looking around when
impatient.We can know the mind of another of the
components in the conversation-the words, gestures, and tone of voice. But
among the three, Ickes found that the contents of the conversation to be
the most important component of a well read minds.Become a Mind Reader Ulung So,
how can we be a better mind reader? Teams of Psychology Today has formulated some things
that can help us to read minds.Get to know other people. "The ability to read minds would rise, the
more we know the other person," said William Ickes. When we interact with someone for a little over a month, we
will be easier to recognize what he was thinking and feeling. This can happen because:
we are able to interpret the words and actions of others with more
precise, after watching him in a variety of situations, and second, we
know what is going on in their lives, and be able to use that knowledge
to understand them in the context of the broader .Ask for feedback. Research
shows that we can improve reading skills by asking the truth of our
guesses. For example, "I have heard, it seems like you're
angry. Is not that true? "Note the upper part of the
face. False emotion, usually expressed at the
bottom of a person's face. Meanwhile, according to Calin Prodan-professor of
neurology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, primary
emotions can be seen from most of the top of the face, usually around
the eyes.More expressive. Emotional
expressivity likely reciprocal. Ross Buck,
"the more we are expressive, the more we will receive information about
the emotional state of others around us."Relaxed. By Lavinia
Plonka, author of Walking Your Talk, a person tends to "make yourself"
with his interlocutors through posture and breathing patterns. If you feel tense, you could have someone to talk to,
unconsciously, being too tense and inhibited, and eventually it becomes
difficult to read. Take a deep breath, smile, and try to show
openness and acceptance to anyone with you.Critical Review. We need
to remember, that expression of emotion can differ across cultures. Sad expression in one culture, may
be interpreted as another emotion in another culture. So if you
want to read someone, we need to also consider the cultural elements
that prevail in the residence of the person, do not guess wrong, or even
trigger a misunderstanding.We also
can not rule out this mind-reading phenomenon as a normal phenomenon
diasosisasikan with supernatural abilities, because contrary to belief,
there are people who have the ability to read thoughts that are
difficult to explain science. At least the author has found some people with the
ability to read minds, which is even able to see the future and all
sorts of things defies reason.
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