Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

stimulation Fetal by the Simple Way

Of medical research, a large and healthy babies have better intelligence than babies less weight. This fact was presented to Dr. Ari Widodo, SpOG, specialist content of RS Tria Dipa, Pancoran, South Jakarta. According to Dr. Ari, so the baby can gain weight healthy pregnant women should begin pregnancy was an extra meal after reaching the age of 27 weeks or 7 months.

In addition, during pregnancy the intelligence of children have formed about 30 per cent. Brain development and intelligence will continue to grow until someone at the age of 21 years.

But still there are some tips that babies are born smart. Here are some tips from Dr. Ari for mothers to provide a stimulus for smart babies.

Keep emotions. Pregnant women should always keep emotions. Remember, an anxious mother will give birth to babies who are anxious. Mother's fiery temper also a grumpy baby. In the womb, the fetus can learn and feel emotions the character's mother. Happy mothers also allows better nutrition for infants so that the brain grows more optimal.

Give the music. At 20 weeks gestation, the baby has begun to be heard. Stimulus sound measuring 5000 to 8000 Hz. Sound power can be achieved through the amniotic fluid and the baby's hearing. "Able to play Mozart for babies. Many studies say, DHA and musical intelligence was instrumental in the growth of the fetus in the womb.

Talk to. At the age of about 30 weeks in the womb, the fetus can hear and remember the words. At present, the fetus can also remember the words that made him sad as her mother asked.

Good suggestion. At 24 weeks' gestation has been stepped on, the mother should bring a lot of baby talk. At this age babies are able to provide a response in the form of movement. But give a good suggestion, for example saying good kid, smart kid, pious children, and so on. These words will always remember and kids will also be a quiet child when it was born.

Eat healthy. Strive to keep eating healthy despite being nausea and vomiting. If you can not swallow normal amounts of food, try eating small portions and varied.

real estate links

In order that a Montgomery County Investment Homes website will rank high in the search engine result pages for specific search term it has to have quality links pointing to it from other websites. What are quality links? Well, it means that these links should come from relevant authority websites and that the links will have the required phrase as anchor text (hyper text).

How to get links for real estate links website?

Article marketing is one of the best free methods to build links from relevant web pages. This method is excellent for the long run but in order that all your work will be beneficial it has to be done correctly or you might be flagged as spammer by Google.

What do you get with article marketing?

You get exposure
You are strengthening your acknowledgment
You get valuable links to your website that will improve your search engines ranking (quality backlinks are the key ingredient to strong search engine rankings)
Other blogs and websites can reprint your articles including the links so your links popularity increases all the time in a viral manner.
It used to be that you write an article and submit it to as many article directories trying to gain as many links as possible from as many places on the web as possible. Times are changing and search engines tend to prefer quality over quantity and as times passes they know better and better how to differentiate quality from quantity. Search engines especially Google declared war on duplicated content (what is considered duplicate content is a subject for another article). As per my understanding for duplicated content is that there are some levels of duplicated content. The worst level is the same content on different pages of the same website. Less severe level is the same content on different websites, Google still shows the same article but usually it will be from the strongest sites and it seems that they disregard all the other weak article directories.

Because of the mentioned above it seems that submitting to as many as possible article directories is NOT the way anymore. When I submit articles I have two lists of article directories. One for the GENERAL strong article directories and another one is for article directories that SPECIALIZE in real estate. Relevancy is very important factor and if I had to choose between general and relevant I choose the latter.

Remember, link building is just a technique to reach your targeted audience. You want to fish where the fish are, right?

For better results it is good to make some rewriting to each article in the Title, first and last paragraph and the Resource box (change the anchor text)

The content of the article should be quality and informative that will add value to the reader. It can be tips on how to avoid common mistakes... or how to save money on a procedure... you get the idea

Very important: Until now you just set the domino infrastructure, now you have to make it work with a small effort but essential. You have to use web2.0 tools for that. It means that you have to bookmark (i.e. del.icio.us) the articles and use the social news network (i.e. digg) or any other web2.0 tools that the specific directory provides.

The best results of article marketing is when you submit articles on a constant pace. Put article submission in your weekly task list it is definitely worth it.

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Do not Just Women Charged Holy

    Virginity or chastity is regarded as vital to our community. However, women should not only maintain the sanctity demanded, men should too. This was stated by senior psychologist of Personal Growth, Ruth Abraham.
"It just happened that women have a hymen that so he becomes the more highlighted. Fact, women are also entitled to claim the sanctity of his partner because virginity is purity that we offer for a life partner because we love and respect him," said Ruth, Tuesday (4 / 12/2012), to Kompas.com.
Access to information is not limited at this time is to make children and teens more easily obtain information about the pornography. Without proper assistance, they are more vulnerable to promiscuity and risky sexual intercourse at an early age.
Therefore, according to Ruth, it is important to equip children with sex education as early as possible. "Sex education is not just about how to have sex, but it is more existential, about gender and paired attributes," says psychologist who actively provide sexual education in schools.
Sex education can start from the most basic things, such as why the boy was not wearing a skirt, or the difference in the sex organs of men and women and how to keep it.
Sex education, according to Ruth, it's too late if taught when the child became a teenager and started to like the opposite sex. With a good sex education, children can also be taught to delay sexual relations until he finds a mate and get married.
"Children have a parent as a role model, as a role model. From there, he can learn how to treat the opposite sex with respect, how his mom and dad love each other so as to know what the limits are not to be violated," he said.
He also confirmed that sex education should be obtained from the child's parents. "This is not just the responsibility of the mother, but also a father," he said.

Power and Status Affect a Smile

    Smile and get replies smile, even from people we do not know, can make the heart become brighter. However, it turns out a person's tendency to respond to a smile depending on the position or status of their power.
The study, led by Evan Carr of the University of California included 55 participants who were divided into two groups. Participants in one group were instructed to write an essay describing both events in their lives, while the second group wrote about negative experiences. The researchers instructed the volunteers to write the essay as a way to trigger the emergence of positive and negative feelings.
Volunteers are also connected to a monitor to measure the electrical stimulation of their faces when writing essays. Monitor the control measures ygomaticus majo lip movements related to smiles, and corrugator supercilii that controls frown on his brow. In addition, the volunteers were shown a video of people also have high power and those who are considered to have low status.
The study, published in the Society of Neuroscience conference revealed that people who feel powerful tend to smile in response to a person's smile when the person smiles were perceived as less powerful or lower status.
Conversely, if a person is considered to be more powerful smile, then they do not respond to her smile. People who consider themselves less power have a tendency to respond to a smile on anyone.
Carr believes the smile back on others as a way to show the status of their own. People who hold a smile on others who they consider more powerful is the way to avoid suspicion exhibitionist attitude.
While people who consider themselves less powerful smile back as a way to show submission. In addition, Carr found that people tend to frown back to the person who frowned at him, regardless of power or status.

Kamis, 22 November 2012


      Contrary to Donald who is always unlucky. The good thing is narrated profit continues. There was just luck that always went duck character whose real name is Gladstone. How good life of the Lucky. Slacker, never work, but it is always more profitable than Donald. If lucky and Donald walked along, suddenly finding a coin on the street it must be the lucky. If you also want to always be lucky like the good thing, do not worry, it was fortunate that there was knowledge.
Professor Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire in the UK, try researching things that distinguish those lucky people with the bad luck. Wiseman recruited a group of people who feel their lives are always profitable, and a bunch of others whose lives are always unlucky. It sounded like a mess, how could luck be investigated. But apparently it lucky people act differently to those pesky.
For example, in one study of The Luck Project, Wiseman gave the task to calculate how many photos in the newspaper that was distributed to 2 groups. The guys from the bad luck takes an average of 2 minutes to complete this task. While they were the lucky group only needs a few seconds! Well how come? Yes, because earlier on the 2nd page, Wiseman has put no small inscription reads "Stop counting now! there are 43 images in this newspaper. " Kelompol pesky missed this article when engrossed in counting the image. Even more fun again, in the middle of the paper, Wiseman put another message that read: "Stop counting now and tell the researcher you find it, and win $ 250!". Again, the unfortunate passing the message! It was really unlucky.
In short, from the research that claims to be "scientific" is, Wiseman found 4 factors that distinguish those lucky than unlucky:

1. Attitudes towards opportunities

Lucky guy was indeed more open to opportunities. They are more sensitive to the opportunities, good at creating opportunity and act when opportunity comes. How is this possible? Apparently the people who are lucky to have a more relaxed attitude and open to new experiences. They are more open to interaction with the new people and create new social networks. People who are unlucky more tense, so closed to new possibilities.
For example, when Barnett Helzberg owner of a jewelry store in New York was about to sell the pearl shop, accidentally while walking in front of the Plaza Hotel, she heard a woman call the man next door "Mr. Buffet! "Just a glimpse of events that may be passed most people who are less fortunate. But Helzber thinks otherwise, he thought if the guy next to him turned out to be Warren Buffet, one of the biggest investors in the United States, then he likely offer pearl chain stores. Helzberg then promptly greeted him at the door, and it turns out he really is Warren Buffet. Introductions ensued and Helzberg previously did not know Warren Buffett, has offered his business directly to Buffett, face to face. A year later, Buffett agreed to buy network-owned jeweler Helzberg. Really lucky.

2. Using intuition to make decisions

The lucky guy was more intuition than logic. Important decisions made by the fortunate turns largely on the basis whisper "conscience" (intuition) rather than the number-crunching results are sophisticated. The numbers would be very helpful, but the final decision is generally of "good feeling". That may be difficult for people who are unlucky, last whisper of conscience would be difficult to hear when our brain dizzy with endless reasoning. So lucky people generally have a method to sharpen their intuition, for example through regular meditation. In a calm mental state, and a clear mind, intuition will be more accessible. And the more frequently used, our intuition will also be sharper.
Many asked, "listen to intuition" was what? Is suddenly heard a voice telling us to do something? Indeed intuition that often appear in various forms, for example:
Cues from the body. You'll often encounter. "I was suddenly really excited yes, like dapet fortune times", kind of thing. Our bodies actually often give certain cues that you should maknakan. Suppose you are suddenly feverish if you want dapet big deal, so look out for it when suddenly feverish again J
Cues from feeling. Suddenly you feel something else when looking at or doing something. It's that I have ever experienced. For example, when I was in college, I like to feel suddenly excited every time through the office of a particular company. A few years later, I was working in the office.

3. Always expect good will come

The man who turned out to be lucky always ge-er for life. Always prejudiced either that good will come to him. With such a mental attitude, they are more resistant to the exam upon them, and will be more positive in interacting with others. Let's say you do a simple test yourself, ask successful people you know, how the future business prospects. Surely they will tell optimism and hope.

4. Changing a bad thing to be good

Lucky people are very good at facing a bad situation and turn it into good. For them, every situation there is always a bright side. In one test, Prof. Wiseman asked participants to imagine was going to the bank, and the bank suddenly invaded by armed robbers. And participants were asked to express their reactions. The reaction of the unlucky people are generally: "Well shit Ko was in the middle of a robbery so". While the reaction of the lucky ones, for example, is: "Thank God I was there, I could write about my experience to the media and get money". Whatever the situation, the lucky lucky continue anyway. They were quickly able to adapt to a bad situation and turn it into a fortune.

Luck School

For those who are less fortunate, Prof Wiseman even opened Luck School. Wiseman exercises given to people like that is to create a "Luck Diary ', diary luck. Each day, participants should note the positive things that happened or fortune. They were forbidden to write their misadventures. Initially it may be difficult, but so they can write a good luck, tomorrow, the next day would be the easier and the more luck they wrote. And when they saw a few days back Lucky Diary them, they are more aware of how fortunate they are. And according to the principle of "law of attraction", the more they think about how lucky they are, the more the lucky events that come to life. So, Have you lucky today?

Sell ​​Enchantment At Interview

Applying for a job as well as advancing to the battlefield. Applicants must have proven strategies in order to be a winner for the coveted job. So those of you who are currently busy looking for employment opportunities and must set a strategy to be a winner.
The first strategy you should do before applying for a job is to focus your attention only on the job you want. So, any reading jobs, do not directly apply. Ask yourself if the job you want? Are you quite mastered the job offer? Can you do the job according to the standard company that will be spoken?
In answering these questions honest judge yourself. If your answer is positive, please apply for the job. But if not, do not apply for the job that you avoid futile applications. Or at least one day if you pass selection you will not find many difficulties.
Every time I read job, whether it's in the newspaper or on the internet, be careful! Do not be easily trapped by vacancies bombastic and grandiose. Look for information about the job sebanyakbanyaknya. The most convenient source is the manager of the division that handles the job offered or friends who work in the field.
If you already have enough information about the job opportunities available, please send your application. Well, if you are called for an interview, this is when you go forward into battle. Prepare yourself as best as possible. Learn information about the company that called you. If you can collect data on matters relating to the company and the job. This will greatly assist you when the interview took place.
One thing that is very important when the interview is 'please feel free to sell your charm!' Think of the interview as an arena to demonstrate your prowess and ability. Eksploitasikan speaking skills and your intellect. But still control emotions, do not get stuck on the impression of 'showing off'. Indicate professional and dignified manner. Make the interviewer 'enchanted abis' at you when you walk out the room. Remember, sympathy is an important decision that affects the next.
After the interview forward to further news calmly. Be prepared for two possible, accepted or not accepted. If you received a fair show your excitement, do not be too overwhelming. Do not forget to say thank you for the trust given to you.
Furthermore, if you start signing agreements, check the agreement carefully. Do not immediately signed a letter of agreement, first studied carefully. Do not hesitate to ask for the things you do not see listed on the letter. If you are sure that you satisfy the agreement, sign the letter.
But if you are not accepted, no need to be excessively disappointed. Deh sure if it is not accepted in place you still have a chance elsewhere. Congratulations fight ..!


Mastery of foreign languages ​​especially English, is absolutely necessary in a competitive work situation as tight as this. So, if you do not have to master a foreign language ... really wretched deh! As luck would have experienced, beetles - let's call him so -.

Just imagine .. when I had a presentation in front of clients, mostly expatriates, many employees, including beetles were not ready. Besides nervous because they have a presentation in public, those who did not master a foreign language also does not look confident!.

That is, until now there are many workers who are not aware, a foreign language is a must-have powerful capital to enhance careers.

HR expert, Danny Pradana warned, those who master one or more foreign languages ​​tend selling high. Moreover, like those who work in multinational companies, mostly led by the expatriates. Not just for the sake of communicating with the Boss alone, those who master foreign languages ​​also ogled even prioritized the training and training abroad. Not infrequently, many are lucky bias placed as branch head overseas.

Currently, in addition to English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean were worth studying.

Primarily for those who work in the electronics industry, manufacturing or automotive. In fact, in some Asian countries, Chinese or Mandarin also be mastered by those who claim to want to move forward. Even those who can speak mandarin practically selling well in the job market.